
[ASH2012]合并冠状动脉疾病的高血压的治疗——美国纽约James J. Peters VA医学中心Clive Rosendorff教授专访

作者:  C.Rosendorff   日期:2012/5/28 15:55:46



  <International Circulation>: In what ways does the management of hypertensive patients differ between those who have coronary artery disease and those who do not?
  Dr Rosendorff: One should think of this problem in terms of the prevention of coronary artery disease in patients who do not have coronary disease and then the management strategies that we should use in patients who have established coronary artery disease. In that latter category, you can further subdivide them into those who have stable angina and those who have some acute coronary syndrome. That last subgroup can be further subdivided into unstable angina and non-ST-elevation MI and ST-elevation MI. Another category is those patients who have ischemic heart failure. So there are lots of different nuances to this question. Let’s deal firstly with primary prevention. This is in patients who do not have coronary artery disease but may be at risk for developing coronary artery disease. There, the management of hypertension is according to well-known principles. There are a number of drugs that are known to lower blood pressure safely and effectively and protect against cardiovascular events including coronary disease. These include ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers and diuretics. Notice that I have conspicuously omitted to mention beta-blockers because the evidence for beta-blockers is rather poor. Beta-blockers do not prevent the development of coronary artery disease or coronary events any more effectively than does placebo and certainly less effectively than the other categories of drugs I just mentioned. So we do not recommend beta-blockers as first-line treatment for patients with hypertension because they are not effective in preventing coronary artery disease. Having said that, I am talking about the commonly used beta-blockers particularly atenolol, because all of the clinical trials that have shown the ineffectiveness of beta-blockers have really been related to atenolol. What I am saying may not be relevant to the newer beta-blockers particularly those that are vasodilatory like carvedilol and nebivolol. Once a patient has developed coronary artery disease, it is a different category altogether. There the beta-blockers move from limbo where I have just consigned them to centre stage. In general, they would be the first-line of treatment in patients with hypertension with established coronary artery disease because they have been shown in that situation to be cardioprotective and also of course, they are important in the management of the symptoms of coronary artery disease particularly angina pectoris. Of course all of the other drugs are also important: ACE inhibitors, ARBs, calcium channel blockers and diuretics. It is probably beta-blockers as first-line treatment and then adding one or other of the other drugs I have just mentioned and if blood pressure is not controlled then add a third. Now acute coronary syndromes. This is where the patient is admitted to hospital with an acute coronary event (unstable angina or myocardial infarction) and there the management of hypertension is very important because very high blood pressures will result in poorer outcomes in patients with acute heart attacks. Again, the treatment here would be a beta-blocker and (rather than or) an ACE inhibitor or ARB and a calcium channel blocker and a diuretic. All of those would probably be appropriate in patients with acute coronary syndrome. When I say calcium channel blocker, in this context I am talking about dihydropyridine (amlodipine, felodipine, nifedipine, etc). The non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers like verapamil and diltiazem can be used instead of beta-blockers because they also improve angina but they should never be used with beta-blockers. They should also never be used in patients who have impaired left ventricular function or heart failure.


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