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[TCT2009]Michael R. Jaff教授谈药物治疗重度颈动脉狭窄

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/25 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:TCT2009 Michael 

 International Circulation:   What kind of time ranges are we talking about here?

Prof. Michael R. Jaff:   In the range of minutes.
Prof. Michael R. Jaff: 在几分钟的范围内。

International  Circulation: At this year’s TCT 09 meeting what have you found exciting?
国际循环:在今年的TCT 09会议上,最令人兴奋的是什么?

Prof. Michael R. Jaff:  
  I think there is a lot of exciting information.  First of all, the data on drug eluting peripheral stents is being presented and is very exciting.  I think there is a lot of new technology we are hearing about.  In spite of all the economic hardships everyone is going through there is still a lot of interest in the field.  That is what is exciting to me.
Prof. Michael R. Jaff: 我觉得有很多令人兴奋的事情。首先,报告了药物洗脱支架的研究资料,这些令人非常兴奋。另外我们知道了很多新的技术。虽然在经济上有很大的困难,但是大家都克服了,该领域仍有很多令人感兴趣的地方。这是我感到兴奋的事情。

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